Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Buckeye Beauty blocks are together.  Now to decide how to put them together.  Each color set has two white backgrounds and two beige backgrounds.  Here are three layouts I'm auditioning.  What is your opinion?

this one I used both the white and beige backgrounds of the color sets and put them together to form the block.

This one I mixed up  the color sets a little.  I made diagonal rows with the background color.  beige, white, beige, white....etc. startingin the lower right corner.

This one is just a mix.
Any other suggestions?
it's fun to play!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I finished a baby blanket but forgot to get a pic.  I'll ask my friend for a picture.  This weekend I watched an episode of Quilt In A Day.  Love that show.  She did a Buckeye Beauty and I fell in love.  It is easy and uses scraps.  So I had to jump right in and try it.  She did a wall hanging.  Mine will be slightly bigger...always have to do it bigger. 

First start out with charm packs.  Of course I didn't have charm packs, so I cut a bunch of 5" squares.  You need a background (I used two different backgrounds, white and beige).  Then cut a 'medium' and a 'dark' sets for each grouping.  Here is an example of my backgrounds and one of the medium (the yellow) and dark (the green).

On the backgrounds divide them into two equal piles.  On the back of half of the backgrounds, draw a line from top to bottom in the center of the square and another line from the left to right in the center.  This will form the four patch block.  Place one medium and one of these marked backgrounds right sides together.  Sew 1/4" on either side of one of the center lines.  Cut on the drawn line.   Open and press the seam toward the medium color.

Flip one of the pieces so that a background is on top.  The second piece should have the medium on top. Now lay these two piece right sides together.  The sewn seams should kiss and fit together. 

Extend the drawn line on the background onto the back of the medium.  Sew 1/4" on either side of the drawn line and cut on the drawn line.

The magic happens here.  Press the seams to the background fabric.  This means the one of the seams will go left and the other will go right.  The center should lay nicely to form a cute four patch.  Isn't that just the best hiddent secret of this quilt?

On the seconds set of backgrounds draw from corner to corner.  Put these backgrounds right side together with a dark.  Sew 1/4" on either side of the drawn line.  Then cut apart.

One you complete one set of blocks this is what you get.  You need to trim these blocks down it 4 1/4", but measure your blocks to make sure that is the right number.  I have not trimmed mine yet.  This is 1/4 of a finished block.  

Here is what the block will look like with four of the assembled blocks put togheter.  Isn't this just the best and easiest block~  Check out Eleanor Burn's Quilt In A Day show and the Buckeye Beauty block.

I want to try this for a Christmas quilt.  Wouldn't that just look fantastic!

Happy Quilting!